Aggressive tax planning – From tax avoidance to tax evasion

During this training Aggressive tax planning you will learn all about Dutch legal forms, risks, transaction patterns and fraud signals. Relevant tax aspects relating to income tax and corporation tax are also discussed. In the year 2020, tax risks play an increasingly important role for financial institutions, investigators and supervisors. In the past, a structure was either fiscally legal or illegal. Nowadays, the media talk about aggressive tax planning. Multinationals like Apple have an effective tax rate of less than 1%. Something we find socially unacceptable and the European Commission imposes fines for 'improper state support'. But where is the line? How can you recognise it? And what measures should you take within your organisation? During this training you will be given tools to properly deal with this theme. On the basis of recent practical cases, you will gain more insight into the problem.


In the year 2020, tax risks play an increasingly important role for financial institutions, investigators and supervisors. Previously, a structure was either tax legal or illegal. Nowadays, the media talk about aggressive tax planning. Multinationals like Apple have an effective tax rate of less than 1%. Something we find socially unacceptable and the European Commission imposes fines for ‘improper state support’. But where is the line? How can you recognise it? And what measures should you take within your organisation? During this training you will be given tools to properly deal with this theme. On the basis of recent practical cases, you will gain more insight into the problem.




The investment for this training is € 3570,- excluding VAT. Assuming 15 participants, this amounts to € 119,- per person per half day. In consultation more people can participate. The additional costs will be determined in consultation.
