Dutch legal forms & money laundering risks

During this training you will learn all about Dutch legal forms, risks, transaction patterns and fraud signals. Relevant tax aspects relating to income tax and corporation tax are also discussed.


In this training Dutch legal forms & money laundering risks, you learn about the importance of knowing everything about your clients. After all, you need to determine whether and where there are risks. Whether it is about the legal form, transactions, country risks or determining the UBO.

Over 2.6 million companies are registered in the trade register. Dutch legal forms but also 7.5 thousand foreign legal forms. News items regularly appear about various fraud cases in which specific legal forms play a role. For example, foundations used for terrorist financing. Cooperatives that are associated with tax evasion. Or a complex network of BVs set up to launder money. And you wonder which signals there are to recognise fraud earlier.

During this training you will learn all about Dutch legal forms, risks, transaction patterns and fraud signals. Relevant tax aspects relating to income tax and corporation tax are also discussed.

For each legal form, we look at the bodies involved, such as directors and shareholders. This is all with a view to being able to properly determine who the UBO is. After this training you are aware of all ins and outs of Dutch legal forms.

  • Date: In consultation
  • Duration: one day part (09.00h-12.30h of 13.00h-16.30h)
  • Trainer: Wendy van Koningsveld
  • Location: To be arranged by you
  • Group: Minimum of 8 participants, maximum of 15 participants
  • Lunch: To be arranged by you
  • Level of difficulty: Intermediate


  • Exploring the playing field of Dutch legal forms
  • Basic Taxation and Income Tax and Corporation Tax
  • One BV is no BV: the BV and the Holding
  • The Limited Partnership risky?
  • Understanding and risks of the Foundation and the STAK


  • Explaining the Dutch legal forms
  • What the risk signals are per legal form
  • Recognise the patterns of fraud in which certain legal forms are used
  • Which transactions give rise to red flags
  • What questions they can ask to get the right information


The investment for this training is € 1490,- excluding VAT. Assuming 16 participants, this comes down to €93 per person. In consultation, more people can participate. The additional costs will be determined in consultation.

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